well i try to put on a happy face (metaphorically speaking) for the weekend with my weekend commentary. but the first thing i see in my notifications is how grumpy dear old bob is — well, let the short commentary speak for itself:

grumpiness gets a bad wrap while people with stupid ass grins have first dibs on such comments as, “ohhhh you’re so cuuuuuute” or handsome or pretty, or whatever. too bad the majority of people don’t get it. what’s happening here is denial and unwarranted hope, putting the best foot forward kinda BS, keep on the sunnyside, whatever.

don’t get me wrong. i love life and i love people AND i love to have fun. BUT, those who refuse to acknowledge and respond to evil, the wrong that is in the world, the poorness of persons and families, the “let George do it” folks, inability to empathize for the persecuted ones of the world, only shocked when big media plays up some unique or unusual event in the world, etc.,

well WTF in order to fix things you first have to acknowledge that something is broken . . .

that’s enough. grumpy says, go have fun, smile BIG, drop a few dollars in the offering plate, walk on the other side of the street when you see a homeless veteran, and f*** the rest of the world except your own.

and they’re off!


why Grumpy . . . you do care

~ Snow White