Bob Haines . . .© 2014


here were a couple of teachers i really didn’t care for at all and still don’t appreciate. coach Lowe was a sadistic SOB. just sayin’.
some were good’ns — ooohhhh la la Ms. Taylor.
any teachers reading this — you’re are one of the good’ns — hang in there.

there are many good things about the educational “system”.
and there are a whole of of bad things IMO

today students are taught more to think verses rote. i recall doing a whole of lot memorizing such as math formulas, historical dates, places and such. but it seem to me back then that that was the purpose — memorizing for memorizing sake. what date was ole Abe shot in Ford’s theater. damned if i know and furthermore could care less. but i enjoy reading about him, his ideas, the issues and trends of his day.

i think students should learn about religion — ALL religious ideas. the early part of my life, there was only one religion and it was called Baptist — not Christianity — Baptist. then a little later there were two — Baptist and Methodist. not Southern baptist and united methodist — baptist and methodist. i never went inside the Methodist church house in my first home town until last year. then i moved and discovered there were Episcopalians — did i spell that right? — and Catholics — not Roman Catholics, just Catholics. i never went to that Episcopal church in my second home town either until i was about 30 years old. neither of my 2 hometowns had Catholic churches and i don’t think there were many catholics anyway. the baptist were against smoking, drinking, cussin, and dancing and the Episcopal’s did all 4 — many of the baptists did also and everyone knew it but they always denied it on Sunday.

i knew Jews were in the Bible but never heard of Muslims until i went to Pakistan at the age of 19 and worked alongside 2 Pakistani airmen — two of the nicest guys i ever met. one was very religious and trying to convert me and i was trying to convert him. neither of us caved in, but we both came away with a new appreciation for each others different beliefs.

i think philosophy or the history of philosophy should be taught in school — get an idea of how ideas evolved and how trends and science and all that developed. maybe throw in a little anthropology and other courses you don’t get until college — at least what they are about. maybe one course defining all the basic fields of study — psychology, sociology, bobology

~ Bob Haines . . .© 2014